Ad #192
Publish on 01-16-2018
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有如電影劇照,韓國攝影總有一種幽幽的氣質,而且帶有絲絲故事性,一般港/台/中婚攝望塵莫及。以影像去譜寫你的愛意 - 一站式韓國婚紗攝影助你輕鬆實現夢想。

Ever since establishment, the S.A. Group has endeavored to uphold the principle to provide the highest quality of service and attitude. Within a short period of three years, S.A. Service Apartment has attained support and recommendation from friends, magazines, travel books and the Apple Daily News.

S.A. Group’s S.A.Tour and S.A.Wedding will also continue to provide more and greater quality of services to everyone. Here at S.A. Wedding, we vow to provide the highest standard of service by taking great care in every aspect of the photo shooting process. This is because, S.A. Wedding and all our associates in Korea view your wedding as the single most important event.

Wedding photography delivers the most beautiful scene and moment in every marriage.

Korean Wedding Photography differs from the style in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. Korean focuses more on the facial expression capture the joyful “Smile” from every couple. It is the smile and the love that create the magic, and it needs good photographer to capture it.

S.A.Wedding prepares our customers all over the world so on our best and professional Korean Wedding Photography Service. S.A.Wedding carefully selected the most well known companies as partners. We have more than 80 cooperating studios for you to choose from.

Korean studios invested a huge amount of money and time on building the best and one-of-the-kind setting. Celebrities and famous artists in Korea took their wedding photos in some of them.

In addition, S.A.Wedding partnership with the top Hair and makeup salon, the best wedding gown company in Korea. We also provide personal assistant to assist you with the whole shooting process. S.A.Wedding offer the best quality of service with one price and no hidden charges.

Choosing S.A.Wedding to be your pre-wedding photography consultant will guarantee leaving you the happiest and unforgettable memories.



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